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Passware Kit Forensic v2022.1.0 (x64) 密码恢复工具合集

更新时间:2022-01-06 软件大小:368 MB 界面语言:英文其他 运行环境:WinAll 授权方式:共享版下载次数:


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Passware Kit Forensic 2021是一款功能非常全面的密码解除工具,当然它不仅仅是一个单纯解密程序;而是世界领先的加密电子证据发现和解密解决方案。尤其是其内置的密码工具包,可以对加密文件取证变得无比轻松,它可扫描并报告计算机上的所有加密项目,其中还包括隐藏加密文件;还可识别多达300+的文件类型和批处理模式恢复你的密码,比如MS Office、PDF、Zip、RAR、QuickBooks、FileMaker、Lotus Notes、比特币钱包、苹果iTunes备份、Mac OS X钥匙链、密码管理器、和许多其他流行的应用程序等。同时,软件还可对你的电脑内存进行分析,分析实时内存图像和休眠隐藏文件,并提取硬盘加密密钥和登录Windows/Mac帐户。不仅如此,Passware Kit Forensic 2021中文破解版还支持对手机加密文件进行解密,你只需将你的手机链接到电脑中导出加密文件到程序中即可,并报告加密的类型和解密的复杂性,生成大概需要的解密时间,你可以将其在后台运行,解密期间不会对的电脑使用造成任何影响!

Features :

  • Password recovery for over 300 file types
    MS Office, PDF, Zip and RAR, QuickBooks, FileMaker, Lotus Notes, Bitcoin wallets, Apple iTunes Backup, Mac OS X Keychain, password managers, and many other popular applications.
  • Full disk decryption
    Decrypts or recovers passwords for APFS, Apple DMG, BitLocker, Dell, FileVault2, LUKS, McAfee, PGP, Symantec, TrueCrypt, and VeraCrypt disk images.
  • Live memory analysis
    Analyzes live memory images and hibernation files and extracts encryption keys for hard disks and logins for Windows & Mac accounts. Passware Bootable Memory Imager acquires memory of Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.
  • Hardware acceleration
    Accelerated password recovery with multiple computers, NVIDIA and AMD GPUs, Decryptum, and Rainbow Tables.
  • Live memory analysis
    Analyzes memory images and hibernation files and extracts encryption keys for hard disks and files and passwords for Windows/Mac accounts and websites. Acquires memory of Windows, Linux, and Mac computers.
  • Mobile forensics
    Recovers passwords for Apple iPhone/iPad and Android backups as well as Android images and extracts data from images on Windows phones.
  • Intelligent detection
    Detects all encrypted files and hard disk images and reports the type of encryption and the complexity of the decryption.
  • Passware Kit Agents
    Support for distributed password recovery for Windows, Linux, and Amazon EC2. The Linux version runs a portable Passware Kit Agent from a bootable Linux USB drive.
  • Decryption of FDE
    Decrypts or recovers passwords for APFS, Apple DMG, BitLocker, Dell, FileVault2, LUKS, McAfee, PGP, Symantec, TrueCrypt, and VeraCrypt disk images.
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